Monday, October 19, 2009

Conversation with a Two Year Old

It was 11 last night and Ande was sleeping with me so I was sitting on my bed and she standing on my bed dancing and jumping off and on.

Ande looked at me and said "I did it!" and after a couple of times I said "you did what?"

and she proceeded to tell me

"I did it, my shoulders and mommy said what you doing there" and finished with a laugh, (you have to hear her say "what you doing there" its hilarious)

Then she told me all her body parts from head to toe, she told me "Mommy's went night night in her room"

"Mommy was tired, huh"

"Yes, mommy tired"

Then she sang me a song something about her shoulder, her mouth, bapa, candy, being tired, mommy, her baby, etc

Then I asked her where the dog was.


"The dog's outside?"

"yes the doggy oustide, sad"

"Why's the doggy sad?"

"Doggy has an owwie, foot, see?" (and she pointed to her foot)

Then she said

"mama [grandma] is sad"

"why's grandma sad?

"cuz bapa's sad"

"why are they all sad"

"they need babas!! They went in the car"

Then she realized that Chloe was in the room sleeping

"Hi Chloe! (waves) Hi Chloe! Hi Chloe! Chloe tired?

Then she saw a unicorn

"Unicorn night night. (grabbed a book and started reading it) then she layed the unicorn on a pillow and said

"unicorn bed, doggy (new stuffed animal) bed, night night."

Then I decided it was time for bed,

after a tickle war of course!

pretend the image is edited, I didn't have time to, but this is her smile, she has it perfected now, this was in May.


Jessica AKA Falling Glitter said...

That girl is darling. I gave you a blog award. You can find it here:

shallowOcity said...

She is adorable! Saw you recieved an blog award also, CONGRATS! :)
