I have no title for this blog. I have no theme, or subject for this blog. All I'm going to say, is I'm alive, I'm here and I'm at a loss for words.
Life is going on. Life will continue to go on. Life will never cease to go on. So here's me waiting for the storm to pass. I'm at the point right now where, I can't decide if I'm going to sit inside reading a book by the window with a blanket, or I"m going to put on my rain boots and go dance in the rain. I'm sorry if I seem distant to you. Sorry if I"m not being as outgoing as I should be, or if I'm not talking to you. Right now I'm fighting a battle within myself. I have a couple of paths I could take, and I'm not sure which one is the right one. So for now, I'm standing here waiting for the right opportunity. I really really don't want to make another mistake like in the past, after I already have had to go through that lesson. It would really be a stinky situation.
So give me a day, a week, maybe a month, and then I'll be back to normal, that is as normal as I can get, and as long as I made the right decision with my life.
Here's hoping for the best.
Feeling My Age
8 months ago
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