Monday, November 23, 2009

Feeling the Birthday Love

First off, thanks for all the warm wishes. Just a little hello, happy birthday, adds up and makes a birthday that much sweeter. Second off, I received the BEST gift I could EVER receive, a SEWING MACHINE! Ohh, I'm sooo too excited.

Another great gift was I won a blog giveaway. I have the button on my sidebar, but I dont know if you've noticed. It's over at Leelou Swag. It's the "favorite things" giveaway, and you can win something small and simple like a candy bar, or something big (it hasn't been offered yet). I won this cute little bracelet, and on my birthday, pretty sweet. Thanks Savvy Girl

At least I hope I won it, it said I won, but I haven't gotten an email back yet.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm glad you had a fun birthday! Happy belated! I got a sewing machine for my birthday too, actually. What are you going to make first? My first project was my Halloween costume.