Well, I'm not sure how to start this post so I guess I will just jump right into it.
For piano I can now play pretty much any song through for the Phantom of the Opera. I will make a couple of mistakes per page, but considering how many notes are being played, I feel blessed.
I used to cry when people could play and I couldn't. When my grandma offered to give us piano lesssons I was estatic. I knew that my dream would become reality. I wanted to be able to play Fur Elise. That was my only wish. But then something happened and I stopped taking lessons. But that didn't stop me! I kept taking the information I had learned in choir classes and reading my lesson book and I began playing. Granted, I don't know any theory, but I can play just fine.
Now I'm really getting into Phantom. I love it. It is emotionally captivating to me. I want to be sucked into the music. And now I'm starting to sing along with it. I love it. I wish I was in musical and plays sometimes. I really wish our ward did roadshows. I've heard a lot about them, and how they used to do them being in the small town that I live in, but they don't anymore. I looked up information for St. George Musical Theater and the next play is "White Christmas". Sounds interesting enough.
I wish I was taking voice lessons. I am in the school choir that's basically madrigals for girls, but I feel like I'm not getting out of it what I need. Something about my voice I just don't like. I wish I could fix it. I want one on one instruction on how to do it. I love singing along to the piano. I've been practicing and I can do it pretty well now. I just miss Celeste. She was the perfect singing companion for Phantom. I kind of want to sing in sacrement. Most people think I'm crazy for that fact, but I want a challenge. I think it would be spiritualy filling to duet "I Stand All Amazed" or "Love One Another". Plus it would be a fun challenge to work on.
I also wish I was in dance. When I see people dancing any type; ballroom, jazz, lyrical, ballet, etc., it makes me want to get up there and join them. I took a dance class when I was 10 but I only took it for one year and then it was too far to take me. I still loved it though. I want to be on a professional team. I know it takes a lot of skill to get to that level though. But while writing this I had a feeling. I wonder, if I applied myself like I did to piano I could do it. I think I'm going to talk to my mom tonight about getting into classes. Let's just see if I can being how old I am.
Well, I think this is plenty random enough. There's no point really to it, sorry.
P.S. Well, August 22, 2009, I put on a blog stat counter. I've reached 40 views! Thanks (:. I guess more people check my blog than I thought.
Feeling My Age
8 months ago
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