About a month ago a member of my bishopric came up to me after sacrament meeting and asked me how comfortable I was with playing hymns. Being the only piano player in the young womens, I play there, play in seminary, and play abundantly at home, so I told him I was pretty confident... I don't know a lot of hymns, but I can play them. He said great! Just curious.
A few weeks later he called me in and asked me if I'd accept the call to be the Ward Pianist.
Hold the phone.
The ward pianist?! Isn't that an old lady job?!
And uhm, crazy scary?!
He said they don't mind that I can't play the organ, just that they need someone to be able to play and they thought I'd be great for the job.
I said I'd take it, as much as I feel greatly underqualified.
I got a list of the songs for the upcoming week, and imagine my disbelief when all of the songs were songs that I know really well, one of them being I Stand All Amazed, the first hymn I learned. Tell me that isn't Heavenly Father showing me I'll be okay.
When it came time for the opening song, I wasn't even nervous. Usually my hands shake so bad and I can't focus my eyes if I'm reallly nervous, which I should have been. It's the biggest audience times 15 that I've ever played for. Well, I haven't been nervous once. I just know that someone's helping me and that I will have the power to use my talent the way it needs to be used.
When I went in to get my blessing to be set apart I had specific challenges in mind that could come with accepting this call, limits within myself when it comes to the piano. Each of those were addressed in my blessing, even though I had told no one.
I'm overwhelmed with this talent that has been given to me. Sometimes I feel like it's nothing special, I can do no greater than any one else. There's someone out there that can play better than me or hit less mistakes than me. But then I remember how I got my talent. That's a pretty special story. And when these things happen, these "coincidences"... it's clear to me that this is something that I needed to have in my life.
I come from a long line of organists, my mom, my grandma, my great-grandma, I'm sure it goes plenty back. I often hear stories of how many hours upon hours they would sit at a bench playing until their fingers were raw. How amazing they were and just how hard they practiced. Then how much joy they brought to their own houses, as the home was filled with song.
And ya know... I'm kind of excited to join them!:)
Feeling My Age
8 months ago