On Monday I was feeling really sick. Well, lets be honest, I've been feeling sick for a really long time. But, this past week has been especially bad....especially with my coughing. It got to the point where I was past exhaustion and I couldn't breathe. With the pageant coming up and end of level testing, along with the fact that I just need to get better my mom decided something needed to be done.
We went to the emergency room and checked in. We were immediately helped, which surprised my mom, but then it took forever until we could finally get back to a room.
The nurse took me back and hooked me up to all these heart machines so they could see if they could catch one of the heart palpitations that I've been having.
The doctor came in and first thing he said was, "Oh wow! You're young, really young. 100 years younger. No, 1,000 years younger than all my other patients". Then he walked to the machines and looked at me and said "Woah, she looks pale, does she look pale to you?" to my mom. I looked just the way I always do, ha! Then he told me everything that was gonna happen to me.
I got 3 vials of blood taken. For any of you that really know me, you know blood and I most definitely do not get along. I faint at the sight of it. But, I survived! My mouth tasted really salty and I felt sick, but I didnt faint. Then I got my first xray, an xray of my chest to see my lungs. The lady asked me if I was pregnant and I laughed out loud. I felt bad and she said, "yeah I know, I just have to ask, I'm sorry." I also got the nose swab test, which was really uncomfortable, but I survived!
So, after sitting there for another 45 minutes waiting for my results the doctor came back in. He said "well, it's nothing that'll kill you", but he looked really sad. Turns out I have bronchitis and mono...which explains why I've been so stinking tired all the time! Nothing can be done about the later but the first I have to take antibiotics which are no fun...and also yucky cough medicine.
Here's a tip...and I dont know why I've gone through my entire life not doing this! Eat a piece of candy after taking that nasty medicine. Washes it right away. First time I had two M&M's and the other times I've just been eating Mambas...works like a charm! I can finally handle taking it. :) I think I'll avoid a lot of problems with my own kids in the future knowing this now ;).
I've just been lazying around the house all week, I miss school like crazy! It's really hard for me to sleep which stinks because I am so tired, so it's pure torture to just sit there and lay in bed unable to do anything about it.
The first few days of being sick I was craving brownies like crazy! I wanted that or orange chicken. My sweet friend Ashley found out and made me a plate of brownies and wrote me a nice little note, it made me feel really loved! I'm so thankful for thoughtful people.
So, to wrap up this boring post...finally found out what's wrong, and had a fun adventure the last day of spring break. If I'm less than enthusiastic about things for a while, please forgive me...I still love you!
Feeling My Age
8 months ago