Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oh, how life changes

So many emotions!! I literally.. cannot.. hold.. STILL!! I'm so happy right now!:)

Today was such a spiritual day... I wish I felt comfortable sharing more. But my testimony has grown so much. It's amazing what giving up a little bit of what you want ends up giving you in return.

I went to a wedding reception on Saturday. Let's just say, that was a pretty dangerous thing for me to do. With my recent obsession with them, it just intensified!! I want to get married SO BAD. Err... I want a wedding, the guy can wait ;). I was literally skipping up and down the roads and twirling, I was so full of happiness. There was a little girl who was untying the bows on the back of chairs and I went and fixed them, it made me so joyful, I think I want to look into a job of helping out caterers, that'd pretty much be perfect!! I'd just be pretty hyper all the time;).

Then after church today I sat down and talked weddings and old love stories with my grandma, I was in HEAVEN! So much fun for me to listen to. I love her so much, and the stories made my heart swell. I love these kinds of things!! Plus I had a homemade ice cream sandwich, yum:D.

I also love making these little creations...

I also got to play piano for an hour, how I love that little (big?) instrument!! It gives peace to my soul. And I sang, even though it hurts!

Oh!! Wanna see what I did? $0.00!! Wahoo!!

Does this make sense to you?? This is just my life lately, weddings, coupons, ice cream.. all I can think about.. and not much other than that..

There's so much trial and hardship going on right now but,


1 comment:

Tree12324 said...

yayy.... Pens?? Send me one! We'll be pen pals again hahaha!!! Get it??!! It's really funny. Try your hardest. HAHAHA FUNNY RIGHT??!!!