Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Learned Something New!

When I first read this I was shocked...and felt lied to...but as I got thinking about it, I've never been taught in church about this idea. I think it's something interesting to note, and it's a big "mormon myth" that most people in our church believe. This is quoted from the book "How Do You Know When You're Really In Love?" by Robert K. McIntosh

"Some young people spend their dating years looking for the person they chose in premortality-their so-called "soul mate." They believe that when they meet this person there will be an immediate attraction because the have already selected each other. Such young people believe that marriages were made in heaven. Consider an experience Brother Truman Madsen once had with President and Sister Joseph Fielding Smith.

"I was in the Church offices when I ran into his wife. Since she was going into his office, she took me with her. 'Let's go see Daddy,' she said. I knew who Daddy was. As the great Church scripturalist he overawed me. He looked up with a smile and said, 'Brother Madsen, you can have one question.' So I asked, 'Bother Smith, do you think marriages are made in heaven?' Well, I had him over a barrel-his wife was standing there. And he hesitated, so she kind of punched him. 'Daddy, Daddy, don't you think our marriage was made in heaven?' Now, he had to be honest. So he said, 'Well, it's in heaven now.'"

"Here is what Joseph Fielding Smith taught publicly regarding this myth: "we have no scriptural justification, however, for the belief that we had the privilege of choosing our parents and our life companions in the spirit world. This belief has been advocated by some, and it is possible that in some instances it is true, but it would require too great a stretch of the imagination to believe it to be so in all, or even in the majority of cases. Most likely we came where those in authority decided to send us. Our agency may not have been exercised to the extent of making choice of parents and posterity.'"

This book was so interesting! I wish I could type it all up and let you all read it! Even if you are married I would still recommend you read it because it has some great tips on marriages and improving yourself to be the best companion you can be. I think as I get older this knowledge from this book will really help me be prepared to make good choices and prepare for celestial marriage.

Monday, February 15, 2010

When Life Knocks You Down

Two buckets were sitting on the edge of a well. One turned to the other
with mouth drooping down, "All I do is go down and come up and go down and come
up all day long. No matter how many times I come up full, I always go down
The other bucket gavea warm smile. "That's funny," she said. "I do
the same thing. All I do is go down and come up and go down and come up all day
long. But no matter how many times I go down empty, I always come up full"
-Bits and Pieces.

I've been thinking about this and I just thought it was a funny coinicidence that I found this story. I hope that everyone will remember this...I know a couple of people that I should share it with. Remember that with every trial there is a learning experience and it will all work out for the better and we will all be made such better people through all of it. God will only give you as much as you can handle and you just have to turn yourself to him and trust that He will know where that line is. I look back at situations where I thought I'd rather die than go through with what He was putting me through, and those situations are where I have had my life changing growing points that have made all my good qualities today. So if you are ever down just remember, every time you go down you must come up. And when you are up be prepared so that next time you go down it wont be so hard, and you can remember that in due time you'll be up again, and have another chance to prepare.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I missed it...

I missed my music so it's back...I hope you don't mind...just scroll down and shut it off if it gets annoying.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wanna see what I did today?

Today my grandma and I whipped out some scrapbooking stuff and made some v-day cards. We started making them so fast it was like we were mass-producing them. I found out I have a grandma who thinks she is hilarious, maybe she is...she was sure laughing at herself. Her sixteen year old grandson's card has a key and a locked heart on the front...she wants to write 'Don't you wish you had the my CAR" on it.
The pictures are in reversed please start from the
end or pretend you read it the other way

Grandma's card to her sweetheart...bottom left is the card to the grandson

Insides of the cards

Semi close up to some of our favorites

Here's the majority of them, that blue one is for Celeste...she insisted
on blue, no pink..yeah right.

I'm so happy with them. I hope the grandkids like them and my
friends like the few I made for them.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This Month

This week has been really hard for me. I have all the reasons to be happy right in front of my face, but for some reason, I can't grasp it and I can't be happy. It's so disappointing, since I just don't know why in the world it won't *click* and I will be happy.
A couple of things happened this week that had me down...most too personal to share here. Just know it has to do with family. To top it off I haven't been able to talk to Celeste, and the two seconds that I got with her last night were cut short....I was pretty frustrated. So I wrote my friend a much needed note. We usually write each other notes when we need a place to record a journal like entry, but need someone to read it and I thought it was the perfect opportunity. I thought that would be all I needed, just someone to see my pain. But then my mom came into my room and it all just fell apart.
I couldnt stand holding this burden by myself any longer and I told her how I just can't find happiness. I told her how despite the hardships of the past month I had been able to be happy and now its vacant. I have been disappointed by certain people in my life the past week and I told her all about them and how its just not right at this moment. Everything that can is going wrong and it has no reason to! I see and can count all of my blessings and I would dare say I am one of the most blessed in the world. This is a little awkward balance of the scales. But my mom knew exactly what to say and it made complete sense.
I have a set date for my patriarchal blessing. Because the patriarch was hurt, I have to wait six weeks from my interview date before I can get it. Getting this blessing is a huge step in spiritual maturity, a step Satan would hate me to take....and he will do anything to stop me from getting it. She thinks getting the blessing is up there with going to the temple and going on missions. When people have those dates set, Satan is working his hardest in the days that lead up. She also explained that, while I should not take this in a conceited way or feel like I'm responsible for everyone, I have a lot of people who look up to me. I give a lot of people advice and help them through their day to day problems. I have siblings who I need to be an example to. If I allow something to bother or hurt me, people who are watching will see that even though I was strong before, I wasn't strong enough and that is a ripple effect that will hurt those secret people. Not that it's my fault, but satan knows how to work things. I need to let that inner happiness shine through so that they can see I know it's there and I can get through it. Afterwards, she let me read her patriarchal blessing. It was nice to be able to see what type of person she is in the eyes of God and see how mine will sort of be.
So, I have a feeling this next month is going to be challenging. I will get thrown whatever is possible at me; friends, school, feelings of not being good enough, whatever....Satan knows my weaknesses. I'm going to have to be strong and do everything possible to choose the right. I'm going to need to surround myself with good people, ways to spend my time, and spiritual encouragement. In the note to my friend I told her that I know I'm being whiny but I'm going to need her help this month to be patient and encouraging. I hope that everyone will be understanding, and I also hope that I don't use it as an excuse. I can't wait until I prove to Satan I am prepared, I am ready, and I've got a solid testimony. Getting that blessing and getting through these months will make me such a better person, a person more prepared to be with her Heavenly Father.
I ended my night by getting a priesthood blessing. The blessing was nice and I hope it gives me the boost I need. Afterwards I knelt down and just pondered while I prayed. It's the most sincere prayer I've said in months. This morning I felt happy, joyous even. My heart was light and I felt peace. I know that this month will be very difficult, but I'm ready.